
Falco peregrinus Palisades Interstate Park, New Jersey Canon EOS 1Dx + 600mm II IS f/4

Adult Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus) perched on a branch haning off the cliff Northern New Jersey Photograph captured with a Canon EOS 1Dx camera paired with a Canon 600mm f/4 IS II lens using following settings: 1/800 s, f/4, ISO 2500 Please contact: info@greggard.com for licensing information www.GregGard.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Adult Peregrine Falcon flying straight on State Line Lookout, Bergen County, Palisades Interstate Park, New Jersey Photograph captured with a Canon EOS 1DXII camera paired with a Canon 600mm f/4 IS II lens and 1.4x extender, at 840mm, using following settings: 1/2500 s, f/5.6, ISO 640 Please contact: info@greggard.com for licensing information www.GregGard.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Young Peregrine Falcon State Line Lookout, Bergen County, Palisades Interstate Park, New Jersey Photograph captured with a Canon EOS 1DXII camera paired with a Canon 600mm f/4 IS II lens and 1.4x extender, at 840mm, using following settings: 1/640 s, f/4, ISO 1600 Please contact: info@greggard.com for licensing information www.GregGard.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED PEFA, fledgling, juvenile,

Juvenile Peregrine Falcon motling into adult plumage State Line Lookout, New Jersey Photograph captured with a Canon EOS 1DXII camera paired with a Canon 600mm f/4 IS II lens and 1.4x extender, at 840mm, using following settings: 1/640 s, f/5.6, ISO 4000 Please contact: info@greggard.com for licensing information www.GregGard.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED PEFA, female, Falco peregrinus

Peregrine Falcon with a Fall colors in the background New Jersey, USA Photograph captured with a Canon EOS 1DXII camera paired with a Canon 600mm f/4 IS II lens and 1.4x extender, at 1200mm, using following settings: 1/1250 s, f/8, ISO 640 Please contact: info@greggard.com for licensing information www.GregGard.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Please contact: info@greggard.com for licensing information www.GregGard.com

Male Peregrine Falcon sharing a meal with a female birdStateline Lookout, Palisades, New JerseyPhotograph captured with a Canon EOS 1DXII camera paired with a Canon 600mm f/4 IS II lens and 1.4x extender, at 840mm, using following settings: 1/1000 s, f/4, ISO 2000Please contact: info@greggard.com for licensing informationwww.GregGard.comALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Falco peregrinus Palisades Interstate Park, Alpine, New Jersey The Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus), also known as the Peregrine, and historically as the Duck Hawk in North America, is a widespread bird of prey in the family Falconidae. A large, crow-sized falcon, it has a blue-grey back, barred white underparts, and a black head and "moustache". As is typical of bird-eating raptors, Peregrine Falcons are sexually dimorphic, females being considerably larger than males. The Peregrine is renowned for its speed, reaching over 322 km/h (200 mph) during its characteristic hunting stoop (high speed dive), making it the fastest member of the animal kingdom. According to a National Geographic program, the highest measured speed of a Peregrine Falcon is 389 km/h (242 mph). While its diet consists almost exclusively of medium-sized birds, the Peregrine will occasionally hunt small mammals, small reptiles, or even insects. Reaching sexual maturity at one year, it mates for life and nests in a scrape, normally on cliff edges or, in recent times, on tall human-made structures. The Peregrine Falcon became an endangered species in many areas because of pesticides, especially DDT. Since the ban on DDT from the early 1970s, populations have recovered, supported by large-scale protection of nesting places and releases to the wild. The Peregrine Falcon has a body length of 34 to 58 centimetres (13–23 in) and a wingspan from 74 to 120 centimetres (29–47 in). The male and female have similar markings and plumage, but as in many birds of prey the Peregrine Falcon displays marked reverse sexual dimorphism in size, with the female measuring up to 30% larger than the male. Males weigh 424 to 750 grams (0.93–1.7 lb) and the noticeably larger females weigh 910 to 1,500 grams (2.0–3.3 lb); for variation in weight between subspecies, see below. The standard linear measurements of Peregrines are: the wing chord measures 26.5–39 cm (10.4–15 in), the tail measures 13–19 cm (5

Adult Peregrine Falcon in flight as seen from above New Jersey Photograph captured with a Canon EOS 1DX mark II camera and Canon 600mm f/4 IS II lens Please contact: info@greggard.com for licensing information www.GregGard.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED PEFA, Falco peregrinus, endangered

Peregrine Falcon - Falco peregrinus New York Photograph captured with a Canon EOS 1Dx camera and Canon 600mm f/4 IS II lens For exif data please hover your mouse over the upper right corner of the image Please contact: info@greggard.com for licensing information www.GregGard.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Peregrine Falcon - Falco peregrinus Northern New Jersey Photograph captured with a Canon EOS 1Dx camera and Canon 600mm f/4 IS II lens Please contact: info@greggard.com for licensing information www.GregGard.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Peregrine Falcon - Falco peregrinus Northern New Jersey Photograph captured with a Canon EOS 1Dx camera and Canon 600mm f/4 IS II lens Please contact: info@greggard.com for licensing information www.GregGard.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Please contact: info@greggard.com for licensing information www.GregGard.com

Peregrine Falcon - Falco peregrinus Northern New Jersey Photograph captured with a Canon EOS 1Dx camera and Canon 600mm f/4 IS II lens Please contact: info@greggard.com for licensing information www.GregGard.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Juvenile Peregrine Falcon flapping its wings Photograph captured with a Canon EOS 1DXII camera paired with a Canon 600mm f/4 IS II lens using following settings: 1/640 s, f/4, ISO 1600 Please contact: info@greggard.com for licensing information www.GregGard.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Peregrine Falcon - Falco peregrinus Northern New Jersey Photograph captured with a Canon EOS 1Dx camera and Canon 600mm f/4 IS II lens Please contact: info@greggard.com for licensing information www.GregGard.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Juvenile Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus) stretching its wings while standing on the edge of a cliff in Northern New Jersey Photograph captured with a Canon EOS 1Dx camera paired with a Canon 600mm f/4 IS II lens using following settings: 1/640 s, f/4.0, ISO 1600 Please contact: info(at)greggard.com for licensing information www.GregGard.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Juvenile Peregrine Falcon - Falco peregrinus Palisades Interstate Park, New Jersey Please contact: info(at)greggard.com for licensing information www.GregGard.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Juvenile Peregrine Falcon flying by at the State Line Lookout, Palisades Interstate Park, Bergen County, NJ Photograph captured with a Canon EOS 1DXII camera paired with a Canon 600mm f/4 IS II lens using following settings: 1/1600 s, f/6.3, ISO 640 Please contact: info@greggard.com for licensing information www.GregGard.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED PEFA, hawkwatch, raptor,

Please contact: info@greggard.com for licensing information www.GregGard.com

Please contact: info@greggard.com for licensing information www.GregGard.com

Juvenile Peregrine Falcon - Falco peregrinus State Line Lookout, Palisades Interstate Park, New Jersey Please contact: info(at)greggard.com for licensing information www.GregGard.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Please contact: info@greggard.com for licensing information www.GregGard.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Peregrine Falcon - Falco peregrinus Northern New Jersey Photograph captured with a Canon EOS 1DXII camera and Canon 100-400mm IS II lens using following settings: 1/400 sec; f/5.6; ISO 4000 Please contact: info@greggard.com for licensing information www.GregGard.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Juvenile Peregrine Falcon perched on a weathered branch Palisades Interstate Park, New Jersey Photograph captured with a Canon EOS 1DXII camera and Canon 600mm f/4 IS II lens paired with a 1.4x extender at 840mm, using following settings: 1/640 sec; f/4.0; ISO 800 Please contact: info@greggard.com for licensing information www.GregGard.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Falco peregrinus, PEFA, young, tree

Peregrine Falcon - Falco peregrinus Northern New Jersey Photograph captured with a Canon EOS 1Dx camera and Canon 600mm f/4 IS II lens Please contact: info@greggard.com for licensing information www.GregGard.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Peregrine Falcon - Falco peregrinus Northern New Jersey Photograph captured with a Canon EOS 1Dx camera and Canon 70-200mm 2.8 lens paired with 1.4x teleconverter Please contact: info@greggard.com for licensing information www.GregGard.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Juvenile female Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus) in her 2 year plumage, perched on a dead, weathered branch hanging off the cliffs at the Palisades Interstate Park, New Jersey Photograph captured with a Canon EOS 1DXII camera and Canon 600mm f/4 IS II lens paired with a 1.4x extender at 840mm, using following settings: 1/640 sec; f/5.6; ISO 2000 Please contact: info@greggard.com for licensing information www.GregGard.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Juvenile Peregrine Falcon - Falco peregrinus Palisades Interstate Park, New Jersey Please contact: info(at)greggard.com for licensing information www.GregGard.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Peregrine Falcon - Falco peregrinus Northern New Jersey Photograph captured with a Canon EOS 1Dx camera and Canon 600mm f/4 IS II lens Please contact: info@greggard.com for licensing information www.GregGard.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED juvenile, banded, protected, endangered, NJ, PEFA

Juvenile Peregrine Falcon - Falco peregrinus Palisades Interstate Park, New Jersey Please contact: info(at)greggard.com for licensing information www.GregGard.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Juvenile Peregrine Falcon flying by as seen from below State Line Lookout, New Jersey Photograph captured with a Canon EOS 1Dx camera paired with a Canon 600mm f/4 IS II lens and 1.4x extender, at 840mm, using following settings: 1/2000 sec; f/4.5; ISO 640 Please contact: info@greggard.com for licensing information www.GregGard.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Peregrine Falcon - Falco peregrinus Northern New Jersey Photograph captured with a Canon EOS 1Dx camera and Canon 600mm f/4 IS II lens Please contact: info@greggard.com for licensing information www.GregGard.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Juvenile Peregrine Falcon - Falco peregrinus Palisades Interstate Park, New Jersey Please contact: info(at)greggard.com for licensing information www.GregGard.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Juvenile Peregrine Falcon seen from above New Jersey Photograph captured with a Panasonic G9 camera paired with a Leica 100-400mm, at 560mm full frame camera equivalent, using following settings: 1/320 s, f/5.6, ISO 640 Please contact: info@greggard.com for licensing information www.GregGard.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Juvenile Peregrine Falcon perched deep into a tree partailly covered Bergen County, New Jersey, USA Photograph captured with a Canon EOS 1DXII camera paired with a Canon 600mm f/4 IS II lens, using following settings: 1/640 s, f/4, ISO 3200 Please contact: info@greggard.com for licensing information www.GregGard.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Juvenile Peregrine Falcon perched Northern New Jersey Photograph captured with a Canon EOS 1DXII camera paired with a Canon 600mm f/4 IS II lens, using following settings: 1/1600 s, f/4.5, ISO 400 Please contact: info@greggard.com for licensing information www.GregGard.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Peregrine Falcon - Falco peregrinus Northern New Jersey Photograph captured with a Canon EOS 1Dx camera and Canon 600mm f/4 IS II lens Please contact: info@greggard.com for licensing information www.GregGard.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Peregrine Falcon with a Fall colors in the background New Jersey, USA Photograph captured with a Canon EOS 1DXII camera paired with a Canon 600mm f/4 IS II lens and 1.4x extender, at 1200mm, using following settings: 1/1250 s, f/8, ISO 640 Please contact: info@greggard.com for licensing information www.GregGard.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Peregrine Falcon - Falco peregrinus Northern New Jersey Photograph captured with a Canon EOS 1Dx camera and Canon 600mm f/4 IS II lens Please contact: info@greggard.com for licensing information www.GregGard.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Peregrine Falcon - Falco peregrinus Northern New Jersey Photograph captured with a Canon EOS 1Dx camera and Canon 600mm f/4 IS II lens paired with 1.4x teleconverter Please contact: info@greggard.com for licensing information www.GregGard.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Juvenile Peregrine Falcon - Falco peregrinus - flying above the Hudson River Palisades Interstate Park, New Jersey Photograph captured with a Canon EOS 1DXII camera and Canon 600mm f/4 IS II lens using following settings: 1/2000 sec; f/5.6; ISO 400 Please contact: info@greggard.com for licensing information www.GregGard.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Adult Peregrine Falcon perched on the cliff in the Palisades Interstate Park Stateline Lookout, Bergen County, New Jersey, USA Photograph captured with a Canon EOS 1DXII camera paired with a Canon 600mm f/4 IS II lens and 1.4x extender, at 840mm, using following settings: 1/640 s, f/8, ISO 1600 Please contact: info@greggard.com for licensing information www.GregGard.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Peregrine Falcon - Falco peregrinus Northern New Jersey Photograph captured with a Canon EOS 1Dx camera and Canon 600mm f/4 IS II lens Please contact: info@greggard.com for licensing information www.GregGard.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Peregrine Falcon - Falco peregrinus Northern New Jersey Photograph captured with a Canon EOS 1Dx camera and Canon 600mm f/4 IS II lens Please contact: info@greggard.com for licensing information www.GregGard.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Juvenile Peregrine Falcon - Falco peregrinus Palisades Interstate Park, New Jersey Please contact: info(at)greggard.com for licensing information www.GregGard.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Please contact: info@greggard.com for licensing information www.GregGard.com

Dorsal view of an adult Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus) State Line Lookout, Palisades Interstate Park, Bergen County, New Jersey Photograph captured with a Canon EOS 1DXII camera and Canon 600mm f/4 IS II lens using following settings: 1/2500 sec; f/5.6; ISO 400 Please contact: info@greggard.com for licensing information www.GregGard.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED PEFA, flying, in-flight, raptor, bird of prey

Juvenile Peregrine Falcon - Falco peregrinus Palisades Interstate Park, New Jersey Please contact: info(at)greggard.com for licensing information www.GregGard.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Juvenile Peregrine Falcon - Falco peregrinus Palisades Interstate Park, New Jersey Please contact: info(at)greggard.com for licensing information www.GregGard.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Juvenile Peregrine Falcon - Falco peregrinus - perched at the of a cliff Palisades Interstate Park, New Jersey Photograph captured with a Canon EOS 1DXII camera and Canon 600mm f/4 IS II lens paired with a 1.4x extender at 840mm, using following settings: 1/640 sec; f/5.6; ISO 1000 Please contact: info@greggard.com for licensing information www.GregGard.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Adult Peregrine Falcon in-flight Photograph captured with a Canon EOS 1Dx camera paired with a Canon 600mm f/4 IS II lens and 1.4x extender For exif data please hover your mouse over the upper right corner of the image Please contact: info@greggard.com for licensing information www.GregGard.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Juvenile Peregrine Falcon - Falco peregrinus Palisades Interstate Park, New Jersey Please contact: info(at)greggard.com for licensing information www.GregGard.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Peregrine Falcon - Falco peregrinus Northern New Jersey Photograph captured with a Canon EOS 1Dx camera and Canon 600mm f/4 IS II lens Please contact: info@greggard.com for licensing information www.GregGard.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Peregrine Falcon - Falco peregrinus Northern New Jersey Photograph captured with a Canon EOS 1Dx camera and Canon 600mm f/4 IS II lens Please contact: info@greggard.com for licensing information www.GregGard.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Peregrine Falcon - Falco peregrinus - flying by Bergen County, New Jersey Photograph captured with a Canon EOS 1Dx camera and Canon 600mm f/4 IS II lens Please contact: info@greggard.com for licensing information www.GregGard.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Juvenile Peregrine Falcon - Falco peregrinus Palisades Interstate Park, New Jersey Please contact: info(at)greggard.com for licensing information www.GregGard.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Peregrine Falcon - Falco peregrinus State Line Lookout, Palisades Interstate Park, Bergen County, New Jersey Photograph captured with a Canon EOS 1DXII camera and Canon 600mm f/4 IS II lens using following settings: 1/500 sec; f/4.0; ISO 1600 Please contact: info@greggard.com for licensing information www.GregGard.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Peregrine Falcon - Falco peregrinus Northern New Jersey Photograph captured with a Canon EOS 1DXII camera and Canon 600mm f/4 IS II lens using following settings: 1/2500 sec; f/5.6; ISO 400 Please contact: info@greggard.com for licensing information www.GregGard.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Peregrine Falcon - Falco peregrinus Northern New Jersey Photograph captured with a Canon EOS 1Dx camera and Canon 600mm f/4 IS II lens Please contact: info@greggard.com for licensing information www.GregGard.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Sleeping fledgling Peregrine Falcon - Falco peregrinus Palisades Interstate Park, New Jersey Photograph captured with a Canon EOS 1DXII camera and Canon 100-400mm IS mark II lens using following settings: 1/500 sec; f/6.3; ISO 800 Please contact: info@greggard.com for licensing information www.GregGard.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Look from below on an adult Peregrine Falcon flying by with a just caught prey in its talonsStateline Lookout, Palisades Interstate Park, Bergen County, NJPhotograph captured with a Canon EOS 1DXII camera paired with a Canon 600mm f/4 IS II lens and 1.4x extender, at 840mm, using following settings: 1/640 s, f/8, ISO 1600Please contact: info@greggard.com for licensing informationwww.GregGard.comALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Juvenile Peregrine Falcon - Falco peregrinus Palisades Interstate Park, New Jersey Please contact: info(at)greggard.com for licensing information www.GregGard.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Adult Peregrine Falcon flying straight on State Line Lookout, Bergen County, Palisades Interstate Park, New Jersey Photograph captured with a Canon EOS 1DXII camera paired with a Canon 600mm f/4 IS II lens and 1.4x extender, at 840mm, using following settings: 1/2500 s, f/5.6, ISO 640 Please contact: info@greggard.com for licensing information www.GregGard.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Peregrine Falcon - Falco peregrinus Northern New Jersey Photograph captured with a Canon EOS 1DXII camera and Canon 600mm f/4 IS II lens Please contact: info@greggard.com for licensing information www.GregGard.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Female American Kestrel - Falco sparverius Richard W. DeKorte Park, Lyndhurst, New Jersey Please contact: info@greggard.com for licensing information www.GregGard.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Falco sparverius Richard W. DeKorte Park, Lyndhurst, New Jersey

Adult Peregrine Falcon in-flight Photograph captured with a Canon EOS 1Dx camera paired with a Canon 600mm f/4 IS II lens and 1.4x extender For exif data please hover your mouse over the upper right corner of the image Please contact: info@greggard.com for licensing information www.GregGard.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Dorsal view of an adult Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus) State Line Lookout, Palisades Interstate Park, Bergen County, New Jersey Photograph captured with a Canon EOS 1DXII camera and Canon 600mm f/4 IS II lens using following settings: 1/2500 sec; f/5.6; ISO 400 Please contact: info@greggard.com for licensing information www.GregGard.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED PEFA, flying, in-flight, raptor, bird of prey

Falco sparverius - adult male North America’s littlest falcon, the American Kestrel packs a predator’s fierce intensity into its small body. It's one of the most colorful of all raptors: the male’s slate-blue head and wings contrast elegantly with his rusty-red back and tail; the female has the same warm reddish on her wings, back, and tail. Hunting for insects and other small prey in open territory, kestrels perch on wires or poles, or hover facing into the wind, flapping and adjusting their long tails to stay in place. Kestrels are declining in parts of their range; you can help them by putting up nest boxes.

Juvenile Peregrine Falcon - Falco peregrinus - perched at the of a cliff Palisades Interstate Park, New Jersey Photograph captured with a Canon EOS 1DXII camera and Canon 600mm f/4 IS II lens paired with a 1.4x extender at 840mm, using following settings: 1/640 sec; f/5.6; ISO 1000 Please contact: info@greggard.com for licensing information www.GregGard.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Falco sparverius Richard W. DeKorte Park, Lyndhurst, New Jersey

Juvenile Peregrine Falcon - Falco peregrinus - flying above the Hudson River Palisades Interstate Park, New Jersey Photograph captured with a Canon EOS 1DXII camera and Canon 600mm f/4 IS II lens using following settings: 1/2000 sec; f/5.6; ISO 400 Please contact: info@greggard.com for licensing information www.GregGard.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

American Kestrel - Falco sparverius Sandy Hook Gateway National Recreation Area, Highlands, Monmouth County, New Jersey Please contact: info@greggard.com for licensing information www.GregGard.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Peregrine Falcon - Falco peregrinus Northern New Jersey Photograph captured with a Canon EOS 1Dx camera and Canon 600mm f/4 IS II lens Please contact: info@greggard.com for licensing information www.GregGard.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Adult male Peregrine Falcon with prey in its beakStateline Lookout, Palisades Intersate Park, Bergen County, New JerseyPhotograph captured with a Canon EOS 1DXII camera paired with a Canon 600mm f/4 IS II lens, using following settings: 1/1600 s, f/4.5, ISO 1600Please contact: info@greggard.com for licensing informationwww.GregGard.comALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Top view on an adult Peregrine Falcon flying byPalisades Interstate Park, State Line Lookout, Bergen County, New JerseyPhotograph captured with a Canon EOS 1DXII camera paired with a Canon 600mm f/4 IS II lens and 1.4x extender, at 840mm, using following settings: 1/1600 s, f/5.6, ISO 3200Please contact: info@greggard.com for licensing informationwww.GregGard.comALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Peregrine Falcon perched on a weathered branch with a peafk fall colors in the backgroundNew Jersey, USAPhotograph captured with a Sony A9 II camera paired with a Sony 600mm f/4 GM OSS lens using following settings: 1/500 s, f/4, ISO 2500Please contact: info@greggard.com for licensing informationwww.GregGard.comALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Female Peregrine Falcon stretching its wingsStateline Lookout, Palisades, NJPhotograph captured with a Canon EOS 1DXII camera paired with a Canon 100-400mm, using following settings: 1/400 s, f/5.6, ISO 800Please contact: info@greggard.com for licensing informationwww.GregGard.comALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Fledgling Peregrine Falcon looking straight into a camera, with remainders of its last meal on its beakNew Jersey, USAPhotograph captured with a Canon EOS 1DXII camera paired with a Canon 600mm f/4 IS II lens and 1.4x extender, at 840mm, using following settings: 1/1000 s, f/5.6, ISO 5000Please contact: info@greggard.com for licensing informationwww.GregGard.comALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Fledgling Peregrine Falcon perched on the edge of a cliff in Northern New Jersey.Photograph captured with a Panasonic G9 camera paired with Leica 100-400mm zoom lens, using following settings: 1/250 s, f/6.3, ISO 800Please contact: info@greggard.com for licensing informationwww.GregGard.comALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Peregrine Falcon fledgling in the rainPalisades, NJPhotograph captured with aPanasonic G9 camera paired with a Leica 100-400mm lens, using following settings: 1/50 s, f/6.3, ISO 640Please contact: info@greggard.com for licensing informationwww.GregGard.comALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Peregrine Falcon fledgling in the rainPalisades, NJPhotograph captured with aPanasonic G9 camera paired with a Leica 100-400mm lens, using following settings: 1/50 s, f/6.3, ISO 640Please contact: info@greggard.com for licensing informationwww.GregGard.comALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Adult Peregrine Falcon flying by with its wings widespreadNew Jersey, USAPhotograph captured with a Canon EOS 1DXII camera paired with a Canon 600mm f/4 IS II lens and 1.4x extender, at 840mm, using following settings: 1/2000 s, f/5.6, ISO 640Please contact: info@greggard.com for licensing informationwww.GregGard.comALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Peregrine Falcon flying byStateline Lookout, Palisades Interstate Park, Bergen County, NJPhotograph captured with a Canon EOS 1DXII camera paired with a Canon 600mm f/4 IS II lens, using following settings: 1/2000 s, f/4, ISO 500bird of prey photography new jerseyPlease contact: info@greggard.com for licensing informationwww.GregGard.comALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Peregrine Falcon in-flightBergen County, NJ, USAPhotograph captured with a Canon EOS 1DXII camera paired with a Canon 600mm f/4 IS II lens using following settings: 1/1250 s, f/4, ISO 200Please contact: info@greggard.com for licensing informationwww.GregGard.comALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Juvenile Peregrine Falcon in-flightNew Jersey, USAPhotograph captured with a Canon EOS 1DXII camera paired with a Canon 600mm f/4 IS II lens, using following settings: 1/1600 s, f/4, ISO 1000Please contact: info@greggard.com for licensing informationwww.GregGard.comALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Adult Peregrine Falcon flying by and vocalizingState Line Lookout, Palisades, Bergen County, New Jersey, USAPhotograph captured with a Canon EOS 1DXII camera paired with a Canon 600mm f/4 IS II lens and 1.4x extender, at 840mm, using following settings: 1/1250 s, f/5.6, ISO 640Please contact: info@greggard.com for licensing informationwww.GregGard.comALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Adult Peregrine Falcon View on the top side of the flying falcon as it is turning and looking straight into a cameraNew Jersey, USAPhotograph captured with a Canon EOS 1DXII camera paired with a Canon 600mm f/4 IS II lens, using following settings: 1/1600 s, f/4, ISO 250Please contact: info@greggard.com for licensing informationwww.GregGard.comALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Adult Peregrine Falcon in a over the shoulder posePalisades, New JerseyPhotograph captured with a Canon EOS 1DXII camera paired with a Canon 600mm f/4 IS II lens and 1.4x extender, at 840mm, using following settings: 1/500 s, f/5.6, ISO 800Please contact: info@greggard.com for licensing informationwww.GregGard.comALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Adult Peregrine Falcon in a over the shoulder posePalisades, New JerseyPhotograph captured with a Canon EOS 1DXII camera paired with a Canon 600mm f/4 IS II lens and 1.4x extender, at 840mm, using following settings: 1/500 s, f/5.6, ISO 800Please contact: info@greggard.com for licensing informationwww.GregGard.comALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Juvenile Peregrine Falcon in-flight on a cloudy dayNew Jersey, USAPhotograph captured with a Canon EOS 1DXII camera paired with a Canon 600mm f/4 IS II lens, using following settings: 1/1600 s, f/4, ISO 500Please contact: info@greggard.com for licensing informationwww.GregGard.comALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Juvenile Peregrine Falcon catching bugs / waspsNew JerseyPhotograph captured with a Canon EOS 1DXII camera paired with a Canon 600mm f/4 IS II lens, using following settings: 1/2000 s, f/4, ISO 400Please contact: info@greggard.com for licensing informationwww.GregGard.comALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Juvenile Peregrine Falcon flying byStateline Lookout, Palisades Interstate Park, Bergen County, New JerseyPhotograph captured with a Canon EOS 1DXII camera paired with a Canon 600mm f/4 IS II lens using following settings: 1/1600 s, f/4, ISO 3200Please contact: info@greggard.com for licensing informationwww.GregGard.comALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Juvenile Peregrine Falcon with remains of its last meal on its beakPalisades Interstate Park, NJ, USAPhotograph captured with a Canon EOS 1DXII camera paired with a Canon 600mm f/4 IS II lens and 1.4x extender, at 840mm, using following settings: 1/640 s, f/8, ISO 1600Please contact: info@greggard.com for licensing informationwww.GregGard.comALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Juvenile Peregrine Falcon stretching its legStateline Lookout, Palisades, NJPhotograph captured with a Panasonic G9 camera and Leica 100-400mm lens, at 800mm focal lenght equivalent, using following settings: 1/125 s, f/6.3, ISO 800Please contact: info@greggard.com for licensing informationwww.GregGard.comALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Juvenile Peregrine FalconNew JerseyPhotograph captured with a Canon EOS 1DX camera paired with a Canon 600mm f/4 IS II lens and 1.4x extender, at 840mm, using following settings: 1/800 s, f/5.6, ISO 2000Please contact: info@greggard.com for licensing informationwww.GregGard.comALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Juvenile Peregrine Falcon with prey in its talonPalsiades, New JerseyPhotograph captured with a Canon EOS 1DXII camera paired with a Canon 600mm f/4 IS II lens and 1.4x extender, at 840mm, using following settings: 1/640 s, f/8, ISO 1600Please contact: info@greggard.com for licensing informationwww.GregGard.comALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Juvenile Peregrine Falcon perched on the edge of a cliff and holding a just caught pigeon / dove in its talonsState Line Lookout, Palisades, New JerseyPhotograph captured with a Canon EOS 1DXII camera paired with a Canon 600mm f/4 IS II lens and 1.4x extender, at 840mm, using following settings: 1/800 s, f/5.6, ISO 4000Please contact: info@greggard.com for licensing informationwww.GregGard.comALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Juvenile Peregrine Falcon perched on the edge of a cliff and holding a just caught pigeon / dove in its talonsState Line Lookout, Palisades, New JerseyPhotograph captured with a Canon EOS 1DXII camera paired with a Canon 600mm f/4 IS II lens and 1.4x extender, at 840mm, using following settings: 1/800 s, f/5.6, ISO 4000Please contact: info@greggard.com for licensing informationwww.GregGard.comALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Adult male Peregrine Falcon coming in for a landingPalisades Interstate Park, Bergen County, New JerseyPhotograph captured with a Canon EOS 1DXII camera paired with a Canon 600mm f/4 IS II lens, using following settings: 1/1600 s, f/5.6, ISO 640Please contact: info@greggard.com for licensing informationwww.GregGard.comALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Juvenile Peregrine Falcon perched on ht eedge of a cliff at Plaisades Interstate Park, NJPhotograph captured with a Canon EOS 1DXII camera paired with a Canon 600mm f/4 IS II lens and 1.4x extender, at 840mm, using following settings: 1/1250 s, f/5.6, ISO 640Please contact: info@greggard.com for licensing informationwww.GregGard.comALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Adult Peregrine Falcon looking up and vocalizingState Line Lookout, Palisades Interstate Park, Bergen County, New JerseyPhotograph captured with a Sony A9 II camera paired with a Sony 600mm f/4 GM OSS lens, using following settings: 1/640 s, f/4.5, ISO 640NJ bird of prey, raptor photography Please contact: info@greggard.com for licensing informationwww.GregGard.comALL RIGHTS RESERVED