Shorebirds of the Tri-state Area during the Fall migration - NJ, NY, CT

Shorebirds of the Tri-state Area during the Fall migration - NJ, NY, CT
Shorebirds of the Tri-state Area during Fall Migration- New Jersey, New York, Connecticut
Fall Shorebird Migration of the Tri-state Area - New Jersey, New York, Connecticut
Upon popular request, I wrote a guide to my favorite locations to photograph shorebirds during their annual Fall / Southbound migration along the East Coast. This guide includes detailed information on 3 locations per state. As honorable mention, I included more locations that are worth visiting. In total, this guide includes 15 locations. Some of these locations I’ve been visiting for years and some I just (re)discovered this season. Stay assured, this guide will provide you with enough information to get you the best start from the very first visit. If I happen to find new, more productive places, I will add them to this guide. Therefore by purchasing this guide sooner, you are guaranteed to get future updates for free, for lower price.
Additionally, I’m including several tips on how I plan my visits, how and when I decide on which location to visit, how I shoot at those locations for the best results without any photoshop trickery, and more useful tips. Information included in this guide, not only prepares you for the very first visit but also gives you an idea how and what to look for at other locations.
If you believe that the price is too high, consider how much time and money I save you for scouting, and sharing my experience in this guide. If you happen to visit one state per day, 5 locations per state, imagine how much you would have to drive and how much time would it take you to research these locations? Now, add the cost of gas and tolls. How about entrance fees to some of these park? Quick math gives a total above the price of this guide. Now, what would happen if you visit these locations at the wrong time? You will have to drive there again, and again to look for the best conditions. This already doubles, or even triples the cost of this guide. The idea behind all of my guides is to save you time and money!
As it often happens with nature, each season is different. Some are more productive than others. With that being said, with a guidance of this ebook, you will be able to photograph following birds: Ruddy Turnstone, Red Knot, Lesser and Greater Yellowlegs, Semipalmated, Piping and Black-bellied Plover. Rare but also possible birds will be: American Golden Plover, Buff-breasted Sandpiper, Wilson’s Phalarope, Whimbrel and other shorebirds.
As with all my Location Guides, Information in my guides takes into consideration that you know the basics of photography. How to properly set the exposure, how to operate your camera etc. This kind of information is shared online and does not need to be repeated here.
Upon successful payment, you will receive an email with a link to download this eBook. Link will expire after 24 hours. If you encounter any problems, please email me.
Please save a copy of your receipt for future, free, updates of this guide.
This guide does not include the Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge. If you are interested in photographing there, I offer a separate, very detailed guide here:
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