Shorebirds of the Hilton Head Island

Shorebirds of the Hilton Head Island
Either if you are driving to Florida and want to stop over in South Carolina for a day worth of shooting or if you are actually visiting Hilton Head Island itself and you are wondering where to go to photograph wintering shorebirds there, look no more. In this guide, I share with you all the secrets to successful bird photography at this magical place. What originally brought me here was my quest to find the best places to watch and photograph Marbled Godwits. As it turned out this beach offers much more than that!
I will share with you many tips on how to get the most out of your visit there. No matter if you are visiting Hilton Head Island for the first time or if you are a regular here. Everyone can learn from this ebook. I’m sharing here tips on how I prepare for the day of shooting, my morning and evening strategy, what camera gear and clothing I bring to help me with taking the most pleasing photographs. I will also share tips on where to park, where to stay and even where to get groceries :) All that to save you time and money. Additionally, I share some tips on another location, the Hunting Island where you will also find shorebirds.
You don’t need an expensive photography equipment to photograph here either. If you follow my instructions, you will come back with amazing photographs of birds even with a 100-400mm lens. Trust me!
Also, check out my videos from this location: