Short-eared Owl midair fight - Black Dirt Region, New York


Here are my latest, short, slow motion videos of the Short-eared Owls that I've been lucky to photograph in the recent weeks:

1 - Midair fight of two Short-eared Owls - What I particularly like about this clip, is the upside down flip of the owl on the bottom. Did you notice the length of its legs? :)

2 - On the hunt - Short-eared Owl taking a sharp turn and a dive, while hunting over the farm fields in New York state. I like how this owl first turns its head and whole body follows right after...

Pretty neat, isn't it? 

I'm getting more into recording video. I would like to hear some of your comments and critique. 

You can also find me on:

- Instagram: greggardphoto

- Youtube: gregsthings

- Facebook: greg.gard.9

- Twitter: newtobirding

- Full disclosure: This post contains references to products from and I may receive small compensation when you purchase a product via my affiliate link on this website. I'm very grateful for any purchase you make using one of my links. No personal data is shared with me -


Here are some books that provide great information about owls:


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