Common Tern silhouette - Nickerson Beach, NY

Silhouette of an adult Common Tern returning to the nesting colony with a just caught fish in its beak:

Common Tern ( Sterna hirundo ) flying back to the colony to feed its chicks - Nickerson Beach, New York

I got lucky on this shot getting this bird with its wings completely open and head turned just right to get this perfect silhouette. I also like that this bird was flying low so I could incorporate some vegetation in the foreground adding overall more interest to this photo.

Here is a vertical crop of the same image:

Close-up of flying Common Tern with a fish - Lido Beach, NY

and the extreme crop showing just the bird with fish:

Backlit photograph of a Common Tern against yellow sky

In my opinion, each image stands out on its own.

What do you think?

I would like to take this opportunity and wish you all Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!! 🎄🎆

Stay safe!

In my upcoming guide, The Secrets of Bird Photography at the Nickerson Beach” , I will share with you how I’m getting photographs like this one. You will find there many tips on how to get the most out of your visit to get the most unique shots.

Also checkout my PRINTS and 2022 calendars 😊

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- Instagram: greggardphoto

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- Twitter: newtobirding

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